ORLANDO. (Ivanhoe) — Often times women think they’re a seasoned veteran after their first pregnancy, but that isn’t always the case. Experts will tell you that each pregnancy is different. Here are some things you may not expect when you’re expecting again.
Alina Lorenzo, an energetic kindergarten teacher, is no rookie when it comes to pregnancy, having gone through four. But what shocked her about number two?
“I wasn’t expecting the little sleep that I would get,” Lorenzo told Ivanhoe.
Christie Bartholdson, a new mom now expecting again says don’t be fooled.
“The sciatic nerve and the back pains definitely set in a lot earlier,” said Bartholdson.
Doctors say baby two likes to rest lower in the pelvis, so pressure or leaking urine is more common. Women may show sooner because their muscles have been stretched. Also vein dilation in the legs gets worse with every pregnancy.
Rachel Humphrey, MD, a maternal fetal medicine specialist at Florida Hospital in Orlando, Florida, explained, “Patients will develop spider vessels in their legs and wonderful things like varicose veins that they didn’t have in their first pregnancy.”
Although it can be tough.
Bartholdson described, “I’m very tired, you know running after a toddler and working full-time, fatigue sets in quite early.”
Having a set schedule for your child at home will help, and as for your partner …Dr. Humphrey said “This is very important. In the second pregnancy nightly foot rubs, absolutely no dishes and no laundry. It makes it so much better.”
Dr. Humphrey said it’s okay to use a heating pad for your aches and pains, but don’t let your body temperature get above 100. Overheating during the first month of pregnancy can cause spina bifida in the baby.
Contributors to this news report include: Brogan Morris, Field Producer; Roque Correa, Editor; Tony D’Astoli, Videographer.
REPORT #2372
BACKGROUND: Every pregnancy is different and unique, and even though there are things that are going to be the same, there are also quite a few that are going to be different the second time around. When you’re pregnant the second, third or even fourth time, you are caring for someone else plus the life that’s growing inside of you and yourself. Expecting again means you go through all of the side-affects that come with pregnancy, like morning sickness, back pain, and swollen feet, while also having to be a mom and taking care of the child you already have.
(Source: http://www.parents.com/pregnancy/my-life/preparing-for-baby/having-baby-number-two/)
WHAT TO EXPECT: When you’re expecting again some things may occur differently than they did the first time around. For example, the waist may grow quicker and show sooner. This doesn’t mean that the baby is growing faster; it’s just a sign of body memory. Since the body has already gone through the pregnancy stretch one time, it has no problem stretching the second time around. Furthermore, experiencing back pain will most likely be more prevalent during the second pregnancy, especially if you didn’t exercise the abdominal muscles after the first one. At the same time, back pain also occurs more frequently because you’re taking care of your first born too. You probably do plenty of lifting and bending so make sure you exercise your abs and always bend your knees. Lastly, varicose veins tend to get worse with each pregnancy, and they may begin to show the second time around.
(Source: http://www.babycenter.com/0_pregnant-again-what-to-expect-this-time-around_10305185.bc)
TIPS: Being pregnant again does not mean that it is going to be easier the second time around. You still have to take care of yourself and the baby that is growing inside of you. Here are some tips to keep in mind if you are expecting again:
- Eat plenty of protein, especially red meat for much-needed zinc.
- Get at least three servings of dairy for calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D.
- Eat lots of whole grains and fruit for energy, and don’t forget to take the prenatal vitamins!
- You can wait to announce your pregnancy as long as you want, and don’t feel pressured to tell your first-born (if they’re old enough to understand they’re getting a sibling) as soon as you find out. You can ease into the news, and make a creative story for them to be excited too.
- Start creating a budget for two. You will need twice the amount of money for food, clothes, toys, and even childcare.
- Don’t be scared of labor, since every pregnancy is different; but do have a plan on who is going to take care of your first-born while you’re in delivery.
(Source: http://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/community-second-time-mom-tips & http://www.parents.com/pregnancy/my-life/preparing-for-baby/having-baby-number-two/?slideId=31353)
* For More Information, Contact:
Joseph Bacchus, Corporate Communications
Florida Hospital
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