Understanding Indigenous Peoples Struggles


ORLANDO, FL (Ivanhoe Newswire) – Centuries before Columbus set sail, the country now known as America was home to diverse Indigenous cultures. However, today, Native Americans make up only about three percent of the U.S. population and face significant economic challenges. As Indigenous Peoples Day approaches on October 11th, it’s important to celebrate their rich traditions and contributions while acknowledging the ongoing struggles they endure.

Dr. Daniel Murphree, Associate Professor of History at the University of Central Florida, highlights the multifaceted issues Indigenous communities face: “In 2023, Indigenous people struggle with a lot of issues that all Americans struggle with, but they also struggle with issues that are history-based, from things like poverty, to full civil rights.”

Dr. Murphree emphasizes the ongoing battle Native Americans wage to protect their ancestral lands from urban development and mining operations. According to Indigenous Corporate Training, Inc., Natives confront various challenges, including higher incarceration rates, lower income levels, healthcare disparities, and reduced access to education.

Murphree explains, “The ultimate goal was to make, to destroy the culture of Indians. They would say that, and of course, they failed, but Native people suffered for hundreds of years because of that policy.”

Despite these challenges, Indigenous contributions have had a lasting impact on our country. Their early agricultural practices promoted environmental sustainability, while their substantial knowledge of plants forms the basis of herbal medicine in the U.S. Additionally, Indigenous art continues to shape modern art forms today.

To become an ally for Indigenous Peoples it starts with deconstructing harmful stereotypes, educating yourself about Native tribes, supporting their efforts to protect their land, and caring to engage with education and entertainment outside of your typical scope of interest.






Contributors to this news report include: Adahlia Thomas, Producer; Roque Correa, Videographer and Editor.

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