ORLANDO, Fla. (Ivanhoe Newswire) — A cup of eggnog, some champagne, a few holiday drinks here and there…it all adds up. In fact, 47 percent of men and 40 percent of women admitted to binge drinking to ring in the new year. January first rolls around and you wake up with a headache, shakiness, feel nauseous and your mouth is dry. These are all symptoms that you could be experiencing holiday hangovers.
It’s all laughs and cheers at night. But the next day … according to Our World in Data, consuming six drinks in a night is considered heavy drinking which could lead to a poor night’s rest and a holiday hangovers the next morning.
So how do get better sooner? It starts the night before. Watch what you drink! Congeners are toxic chemical byproducts formed when alcohol is made. They slow metabolism. Vodka, gin and rum have nearly no congeners, but dark liquors like whiskey, cognac and tequila have a lot. Once you wake up, start off with the most important meal of the day. Eggs, oatmeal, berries, and coffee can all maintain you blood sugar levels and replenish depleted vitamin levels such as B and C. As for what to drink besides loads of water, try green grape, pear or ashitaba juice. In a 2018 study, those who had juice were less likely experience a headache. Also look to sports drinks to replenish electrolytes such as sodium and potassium. Making the morning after easier.
Most importantly, make sure you are within your limits. According to the national institute on alcohol abuse and alcoholism, men should have no more than four drinks a day and less than 14 drinks a week, while women should have less than three drinks a day and seven a week.
Sources: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hangovers/symptoms-causes/syc-20373012
Contributor(s) to this news report include: Keon Broadnax, Writer and Robert Walko, Editor.
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