Orlando, Fla. (Ivanhoe Newswire) — Everything we do, every day impacts our health and well-being, but what you think you know about your health may not be true. For instance, you need to drink eight glasses of water … that’s a myth. It all depends on your body weight, temperature and activity level. You can actually get overdosed with water. That’s called hyponatremia. It causes swelling in the body’s cells and a dangerous drop in sodium levels.
From the top of your head to the tip of your toes, there are thousands upon thousands of health articles posted each year online.
An NIH study found that 67 percent of people couldn’t tell if the health information they were googling was true or false. So, what’s fact and what’s fiction? First question, is diet soda healthier for you than your average soda?
Studies show diet soda can lead to an increased risk of heart problems including congestive heart failure and increase your risk of having a stroke by almost 50 percent.
How about this one? Listening to music can help you recover faster after surgery.
According to the American College of Surgeons listening to music may help reduce anxiety, perceived pain, and heart rate.
Next question, the best time to work out is in the early morning?
An NIH study showed that your body performs better in the afternoon. As the day goes on, your body temperature rises, which helps improve muscle function, strength, enzyme activity, and endurance.
And true or false. Air pollution is linked to dementia cases?
According to the NIH, a higher type of air pollution called p-m two-point-five are linked to a higher number cases of dementia.
Here’s another one, organic or gluten-free means it’s healthy? Well not exactly. Foods that are naturally gluten-free are fine, but gluten-free processed foods are often made with unhealthy ingredients that may even be worse.
Contributors to this news report include: Cliff Tumetel, Producer; Bob Walko, Editor.
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