ORLANDO, FL (Ivanhoe Newswire) — There is such a thing as healthy stress. The type that can actually help and not harm your brain.
Things like project deadlines, family drama, and packed schedules can add a lot of stress to someone’s day. But research shows not all is actually bad for you. Healthy Stress
“Your cortisol goes up, which means your fuel consumption goes up. What happens is, you’ve actually fired up your body. If you keep it that way, it’s like driving a car on the freeway in second gear,” said Chronic Pain Expert, David Hanscom, MD.
A study from UCSF and Stanford University found that manageable daily stress may help protect against oxidative damage, which is linked to disease and aging. Some other upsides of stress include increasing motivation to finish projects on time, promoting social connections with others, boosting immunity, building resilience, and encouraging growth. Especially in those who learn techniques to cope with stress like meditation or checking in with yourself.
Some experts say it’s not a stressful situation that impacts our health, but rather how we let the stressful situation impact us long after it has occurred. For instance, within 90 seconds of a stress inducing experience, such as someone cutting you off in traffic, the stress chemicals your brain releases have completely dissipated from your blood. If you are still angry after 90 seconds, the stress will continue.
Contributors to this news report include: Marsha Lewis, Producer; Roque Correa, Videographer and Editor.
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