Damn Dinks! Playing Pickleball Pain-Free


ORLANDO, FL (Ivanhoe Newswire) — Pickleball is the fastest-growing sport in the US with more than 36.5 million players. But it’s not all fun and games. Researchers predict that 67,000 people will visit the ER next year due to an injury related to pickleball and 8,800 outpatient surgeries will be performed. There are some simple things you can do to keep pickleball pain away.

There’s been a surge in the kitchen!

Rallies are reaching an all-time high! Experts estimate there’s been a 150 percent increase in the number of people playing pickleball just this year!

But with the spike in popularity comes a surge in injuries.

A recent analysis found pickleball injuries could cost the US 400 million dollars a year as insurance companies see a hike in hip replacements, knee surgeries, and other elective procedures.

Jim Edwards, Physical Therapist at The Cleveland Clinic says, “Tendonitis of the shoulder, strains of hamstrings, strains of your Achilles, your calf muscles.”

But there are ways to smash the statistics and protect yourself from some of these problems. First: make sure you wear shoes that have a grip and rubber soles. Also, warm up. Lightly stretch muscles in your back, hips, arms, and legs. Holding the stretch for about 30 seconds. And it’s important to incorporate some strengthening exercises into your fitness routine. One specific way to save your shoulder.

Edwards explains, “Having an endurance program for our rotator cuff, to where it’s just light resistance, doing internal and external rotation, this can be done with resistance bands, hand weights, or cable machines can really help with that.”

With some no-fault safety tips.

Also, add squats to your workout to help strengthen your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, which are important for stability and balance. And lunges and planks will strengthen your core and help hip stabilizers. Another tip: stay hydrated. Dehydration can lead to muscles cramps.

Contributors to this news report include: Julie Marks, Producer; Roque Correa, Editor.

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