ORLANDO, Fla. (Ivanhoe Newswire) — They can be in your attic, the basement, and even under your bed. Bugs will go anywhere to escape the cold and harsh weather. When you see them you know to spray them, but how do stop seeing them in your home? Bug-free
Cockroaches, flies, ants oh my! Who’s hiding out inside your home?
So how do you prevent the creepy crawlers from crawling inside your home? First declutter your home. Piles of books, toys, or newspapers are good hiding places for bugs. And watch out for your kitchen. Grain moths, ants and flour beetles love this area of the house. To keep them away, be sure you seal things such as flour, baking mixes, crackers, sweets, nuts and spices. One trick try putting your flour in the freezer. Look out from what you bring inside your house. Firewood, compost bins and yard waste are hiding places for bugs. If you have any standing water that could attract mosquitoes. Be sure to rid of weeds and plant debris which can house pests. Finally, be sure to clean weekly, this gets rid of crumbs and remove any eggs left behind. Keeping uninvited guests out!
Another tip is to check all the windows and doors in your home. It is easy for insects to fit through the cracks and come through. Repair any holes and lay down new weather stripping to protect you from the bugs and the cold. Keep your house bug-free.
Sources: https://www.wsj.com/articles/americans-are-drinking-less-alcohol-11547733600
Contributor(s) to this news report include: Keon Broadnax, Writer and Robert Walko, Editor.
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