Eyelid Surgery Goggles


TAMPA, Fla. (Ivanhoe Newswire) — Eyelid surgery is one of the most common types of plastic surgery, but downtime is often a major concern for patients. Now, a new device is showing promising signs to help speed up recovery by decreasing swelling and bruising.

Seventy-three-year-old Marsha Hoke had her lower eyelids done by Dr. William Mack, oculoplastic surgeon, one of the first surgeons in the country to test the lid-lift goggles.

After surgery, she used the goggles, which cause light compression around the eyes.

“By applying pressure it’s helping with the leakage from the capillaries after surgery, which in turn will decrease the bruising and swelling,” William Mack, MD, said.

(Read Full Interview)

“I mean you can’t see a thing. It’s blackout blind,” Hoke described.

Patients wear the goggles for three days, for 80 percent of the day and all night. Early testing showed a three-to-five-fold reduction in swelling and bruising, compared to using ice.

Hoke told Ivanhoe, “One week after, he did a double take and he goes, ‘you look like you’re a month out!”

Doctor Mack says another benefit is improved compliance.

“It sounds nice to tell your patients to do ice for the first couple of days, a lot of times patients won’t follow directions,” Dr. Mack said.

One update after initial testing:  eyehole cut outs that can be removed during the day so patients don’t always have to be in the dark.

Most important: the results, especially when you can heal faster and need less down time at home.

The doctor says an added benefit of wearing the goggles at night is that they provide protection to the eyelids if a patient tries to roll over onto their face. The goggles are now available to surgeons nationwide and in several other countries. For more information you can go to www.lidliftgoggle.com.

Contributors to this news report include: Cyndy McGrath, Executive Producer; Angie Moreschi, Field Producer; Chad Soriano, Videographer; Roque Correa, Editor.

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REPORT:       MB #4685

BACKGROUND: Eyelid surgery, also referred to as blepharoplasty is a type of surgery that repairs droopy eyelids and may also include removing excess fat, muscle, and skin. With age, eyelids stretch and the muscles supporting them may weaken. This causes excess fat to build above and below the eyelid, causing sagging brows, droopy upper lids and or bags under the eyes. Aside from giving an older appearance, severe sagging skin around the eyes can reduce peripheral vision, especially upper and outer parts of field of vision. Eyelid surgery can eliminate or at the very least reduce these vision problems, as well as make the eyes appear younger and more alert.

(Source: https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/blepharoplasty/about/pac-20385174)

QUALIFYING FOR/RISKS OF SURGERY: You may consider eyelid surgery if sagging or droopy eyelids keep your eyes from opening completely or pull down your lower eyelids. Removing excess tissue from the upper eyelid can improve your vision. Blepharoplasty may be an option if you have excess skin of the lower eyelids, excess skin of the upper eyelids that interferes with your peripheral vision, bags under your eyes, or baggy and/or droopy upper eyelids. Possible risks of eyelid surgery can include; dry, irritated eyes, infection and/or bleeding, difficulty closing your eyes or related eyelid problems, noticeable scarring, injury to the eye muscle, possible skin discoloration, temporary blurred vision, or in extreme rare cases loss of eyesight, as well as risks associated with surgery in general such as reaction to anesthesia and blood clot.

(Source: https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/blepharoplasty/about/pac-20385174)

RECOVERING POST SURGERY: Patients usually have a short recovery time after eyelid surgery. Swelling and bruising will occur, and is usually worse on the day after surgery then quickly begins to disappear. During the first 48 hours, cool compresses and ice can greatly reduce these symptoms around the eyes and face. Light activity such as walking will also help speed healing. Thin bandages may be placed over incision sites and removed after several days, while stitches may remain in the skin for around one week. Sometimes self-absorbing stitches are used that do not require removal.

(Source: https://www.medicinenet.com/blepharoplasty__eyelid_surgery/article.htm)

LID LIFT GOGGLES: A new concept has been created to address patient’s top concerns with post procedure swelling and bruising caused by an eyelid surgery procedure. The patient will put on the goggles soon after surgery and should wear them continuously for the first 4 hours afterwards. It is recommended patients wear the goggles for at least 80% of the time when awake, and all through the night as they sleep for the day of surgery and for two days afterwards. The goggles apply pressure to the surrounding eye area to collapse capillary beds, as application of pressure is the most reliable way to stop bruising and swelling. The foam technology also cools the skin for a more comfortable recovery.

(Source: https://www.lidliftgoggle.com/pages/instructions)


William Mack, MD


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Doctor Q and A

Read the entire Doctor Q&A for William P. Mack, M.D. Board Certified Ophthalmologist

Read the entire Q&A