TAMPA, Fla. (Ivanhoe Newswire) — Over the past century, the face of the American family has changed. Mixed race marriages and adoptions, grandparents raising grandkids, same sex parents and now more and more of today’s new moms, like Janet Jackson, are in their late 40’s and early 50’s.
Two moms with the same priority; making sure their kids are happy.
“I’m her best friend, you know, right now so I don’t want it to change.” Ashely Sisler told Ivanhoe.
“I think miracles happen every day.” Pepper stated.
But there is one big difference; their age. Ashley Sisler is 28. Jacqueline Pepper is almost twice that. She’s 50.
“I always feel 28 in my head right? It’s just your physical limitations some days remind you of your number age.” Pepper explained.
She’s is part of a growing trend, older moms.
Pepper continued, “The age card comes up I think it’s there however you don’t want it to stop you from your goals.”
The most recent study shows the number of women 50 and older who gave birth skyrocketed 165% from the year 2000 to 2013.
“We’ve seen definitely an increase in patients 45 to 50.” Dr. Goodman revealed to Ivanhoe.
Reproductive expert Doctor Sandy Goodman says healthy 54-year-old women can get pregnant, but usually with the help of fertilized donor eggs.
“The assumption that they became pregnant with their own eggs may not be correct and that may lead some women to believe they are going to be successful in becoming pregnant at 50 with their own eggs which is unrealistic.” Dr. Goodman stated.
Skeptics wonder if these new 50-ish mothers are strong enough and will live long enough to raise their children. But watch out if you call Jacque a grandma!
“I want to scream out when people say that, you know, be mindful, be more aware that families look so different nowadays than they used to.” Pepper said.
And by the looks of it motherhood for both of these women couldn’t be more right.
A recent study showed complications during pregnancy were not significantly different for those in their 40’s verses those in their 50’s however, as compared to younger women, there is a higher risk of pregnancy induced hypertension and diabetes as well as a higher chance of having a C-section delivery.
Contributors to this news report include: Emily Maza Gleason, Field Producer; Travis Bell, Videographer; Roque Correa, Editor; Gabriella Battistiol, News Assistant.