NEW ORLEANS, La. (Ivanhoe Newswire) — People born in the US today can expect to live an average of 79 years. A century ago, that age was closer to 54. We’ve learned a lot about what will help us reach 70, 80, 90 and even 100. Don’t smoke, alcohol in moderation, eat healthy and exercise – that advice always seems too broad. But we found five very specific science-backed things you can do today, that will add a decade or more to your life.
Don’t do this … limit this … and do a lot of this — we’ve all heard these are keys to living a long life. But there’s more!
No — you don’t have to do more steps — instead a new study out of Tulane University found taking at least 50 steps up the stairs each day could slash your risk of heart disease by 20 percent.
Lu Qi, MD, PhD, Dir., Obesity Research Center at Tulane University says, “You don’t need to go to gym. You can do this every day.”
As for your diet, a study analyzing almost a half million people found that those who switched from soda and processed meats to whole grains, nuts, fruits, veggies and fish added an extra 10 years on average to their life.
Skip the salt. For the first time, salt intake has been linked to a higher risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.
Doctor Qi says, “Adding salt to food is a behavior variable, it is an eating behavior.”
Researchers believe salt encourages people to eat larger portions, increasing their risks of obesity and inflammation.
Also, find ways to manage your stress. That will reduce your risk of early death by 22 percent. Other ways to combat stress: keep a daily routine, limit screen time, and stay connected with others. And get a good night’s sleep. The key word — good. That’s means seven to nine hours without interruption. With ways to live a longer, healthier life.
How much do your genes play a role in how long you live? The New England Centenarian study found that genes account for less than one-third of your chances of surviving to age 85. The rest is dependent on your lifestyle choices.
Contributors to this news report include: Marsha Lewis, Producer; Kyle Fisher, Editor, Matt Goldschmidt, Videographer.
REPORT #3204
HEALTHY DIET: A UK study followed almost a half of a million people since 2006 and it found that those who made a drastic change to a healthy diet, like the one found in the UK’s National Health Services Eatwell Guide, added 10 years to their life expectancy. Those who are already eating an averagely healthy diet or made the change later in life had smaller gains in their life expectancy. The Eatwell Guide goes as follows: One should have five portions of a variety of fruits and vegetables a day, and these can be consumed from any source (frozen, canned, fresh, etc.). Over a third of one’s diet should be starchy foods, specifically foods that are high in fiber or multigrain. For protein, people should be eating two portions of fish a week, one of those times being an oily fish like salmon or mackerel. Beans and legumes are also a good source of protein, and for meats people should be choosing lean cuts instead of red or processed. The smallest part of the Eatwell Guide is dairy, and people should be looking for low-fat and low-sugar options. Finally, foods that are high in fat, sugar, and salt should be at a minimum.
GOOD SLEEP: Good sleep is counted as an uninterrupted seven to eight hours a night achieved without any medications. It is also important not to have trouble falling asleep more than twice a week and to wake up feeling rested five times a week. Identifying a sleep disorder can help increase longevity as well, so the correct steps can be taken to help sooner. Building good sleep hygiene can help rectify problems of a sleep deficit, going to bed at the same time every night and getting up at the same time every morning can improve sleep quality. Sleep environments should be cold, dark, and quiet, and people should be avoiding alcohol before bed as the ending of the metabolizing of alcohol can wake someone up. Finally, start a sleep routine avoiding blue light and other distractions an hour before bedtime.
GENETICS: While genetics only account for less than a third of why someone could live to 85, genetics play a big role in people who live past 95. There is no one single gene that causes the ability to get to older ages, but scientists believe it is the combination of hundreds of genes working together. Genes work their best when they are paired with a healthy lifestyle, like exercising and a healthy diet, to increase longevity.
* For More Information, Contact: Andrew Yawn, Asst. Director, Public Relations
Tulane University
(985) 285-7689
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