ORLANDO, Fla. (Ivanhoe Newswire) — Consuming alcohol occasionally is generally ok. But if you drink a lot, you are putting your health at risk. Ivanhoe explains how to curb heavy drinking habits.
Alcohol is often a staple at parties and get-togethers. But if you drink heavily and often, you could be hurting your health!
Veronica Valli, Sober Coach and Author of Soberful says, “My drinking was very chaotic and dangerous from when I was about 15 years old.”
A review published in Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment found heavy drinkers have a higher risk of developing dementia. Another study in Nature Communications suggested heavy drinking could reduce the brain’s white and gray matter, which are important for clear thinking. The CDC defines heavy drinking as 15 or more drinks per week for men and eight or more drinks per week for women.
James E. Galvin, MD, MPH, Prof. of Neurology and Psychiatry at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, says, “Why have dementia, if we can reduce those things, we know are modifiable that are strongly associated with the risk of dementia?”
The good news? A study in JAMA network found downgrading your alcohol intake from heavy to moderate decreases your risk of dementia by eight percent! Another paper published in Harm Reduction Journal found people who gave up alcohol for one month said they slept better and lost weight. One way to cut back is to try a mocktail instead of a cocktail.
Austin Steele, Beverage Manager, says, “They’ll say, ‘can I just have a mocktail?’ normally, I’ll just do soda water and orange juice. It looks like a mimosa.”
Kombuchas and prebiotic sodas are also options. Exercise, meditation, or a hobby can serve as positive distractions.
Veronica says, “When you stop drinking you don’t give up anything, you don’t miss out on anything, just the opposite.”
With ways to help you drink less and live healthier.
According to the national cancer institute, heavy drinking can also increase the risk of many cancers, including breast, liver, colorectal, head and neck, and esophageal cancers.
Contributors to this news report include: Julie Marks, Producer; Kyle Fisher, Editor.
REPORT #3184
BACKGROUND: Overuse of alcohol is the second most common form of substance abuse in the United States, after tobacco use. Approximately ten percent of men and five percent of women have an alcohol use disorder which can lead to health issues, problems at home, work, and school. Early signs of alcohol abuse include drinking more than intended to, continuing to drink alcohol despite the concerns of others, and regular attempts to quit drinking. Drinking heavily can seriously damage the liver, stomach, heart, brain, and nervous system. It also increases the risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, larynx, and esophagus. A family history of alcohol addiction puts a person at a higher risk.
(Source: https://www.health.harvard.edu/addiction/alcohol-abuse)
HEALTH BENEFITS OF MOCKTAILS: Mocktails are used to replicate the look and taste of an alcoholic drink without using alcohol in the ingredients. They tend to include fruits, vegetables, herbs, and other nutrient-rich ingredients that have health benefits which can improve and boost the immune system. You can reduce your alcohol intake by replacing it with a mocktail, as the American Institute for Cancer Research recommends, as it can lower your risk of developing cancer. Some mocktails are high in antioxidants which play a crucial role in promoting health and well-being due to their ability to combat oxidative stress in the body. Antioxidants are important for cellular protection, disease prevention, and skin health.
NEW STUDY SAYS NO AMOUNT OF ALCOHOL IS SAFE: According to the World Health Organization, when it comes to alcohol consumption, there is no safe amount. The International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified alcohol as a Group 1 carcinogen, which is the highest risk group and includes asbestos, radiation, and tobacco. Alcohol has been known to cause at least seven types of cancer, the most common being bowel cancer and breast cancer. “We cannot talk about a so-called safe level of alcohol use. It doesn’t matter how much you drink. The risk to the drinker’s health starts from the first drop of any alcoholic beverage. The only thing that we can say for sure is that the more you drink, the more harmful it is, or, in other words, the less you drink, the safer it is,” explains Dr Carina Ferreira-Borges, acting Unit Lead for Noncommunicable Disease Management and Regional Advisor for Alcohol and Illicit Drugs in the WHO Regional Office for Europe.
* For More Information, Contact:
James E Galvin, MD, MPH Veronica Valli
University of Miami Sober Coach/Author of Soberful
Miller School of Medicine veronicajvalli@gmail.com
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